
Howtotaste.coffee travels the world assisting roasting companies in the development of their product and finding the best equipment for their goals.

Starting with our Courses

Most of our projects start with a set of professional courses with the world renowned
Espresso Academy in Florence, where we can discuss the basics, develop the skills and offer a complete view on the world of coffee.

Private courses can also be organised directly in the client’s company to allow us to customise the program and study the facility and products.


Finding the best solution

After learning the basics it’s time to work on your product and optimise production.

Sensory analysis is applied when possible to recover statistically significant information about the product quality and uniformity,
in some cases the basic strategies of this scientific discipline can be used simply to avoid classic mistakes seen in a number of medium to small companies.

Consultancies can also be held online, through phone calls, e-mails, messages or videocalls depending on what is more efficient and clear.

Company Info

Coffee Consultancy based on Sensory Analysis

Legal Name: Jan Robert Brinck

VAT / P. IVA : 01558350110

email: info@howtotaste.coffee